So what ingredients are found in vaccines? If you ask this question of most people, they will reply with whatever the vaccine’s name is, right? Chickenpox for the chickenpox vaccine, right? When you ask them, “Do you know what else is in the vaccines?” most will give you a blank look or respond with a shrug of the shoulders. Some write it off as, “My doctor wouldn’t recommend them if they weren’t safe.”
So, what exactly is in all these vaccines which have become a mainstay of modern, western medicine? When I Googled ingredient in vaccines, 96,700,000 different hits came up. Now that is a lot of data to sift through and a lot of information! So how does one tell which information is reliable and which ones are not? That is a complex question that requires a complex answer which upon the completion of this series the author hopes that you will be able to answer this question for yourself. For now, let us look at the big picture. There will be lots of time to dig into the details.
Before we look at the list ingredients found in vaccines, we need to define active and inactive ingredients. An active ingredient is the key ingredient(s) in a product. Vaccines tend to have more than one active ingredient. One of the main active ingredients would be the antigen which are the microorganisms, bacteria, or viruses, which are being given to stimulate the body to create an immunity. Water is also a component of vaccines and it is the media in which the antigens are delivered. Most vaccines contain 0.5 mL of water.
The inactive ingredients are the components in a drug or a vaccine which do not increase or influence the therapeutic action of the medication or the vaccine. They are added during the manufacturing and are listed under other names such as inert and excipients. Inactive ingredients are added to the vaccine’s solution for various reasons which we will talk about in detail later. In medications, these may be binders, dyes, preservatives, and flavorings. Some inactive ingredients work as transport agents to move the drug or antigen to a specific part of the body.
It is important to note that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves all the inactive ingredients, and some are not actually inactive, although classified as such. Alcohol can be either active or inactive, depending on its use. Inactive ingredients can be allergens and cause severe allergic reactions, even anaphylaxis or death. Examples of some inactive ingredients that have been found to cause reactions are: sulfites, benzoates, aspartame, saccharin, oleic acid, benzyl alcohol, lactose, soya lecithin, propylene glycol, sorbitan,, peanuts, latex, colorings, gelatin, eggs, milk proteins, gluten, and many others. Here is a link to one list of inactive ingredients found in medications and vaccines. Another is provided in table form below.
The law requires vaccine manufacturers to also list all the ingredients that are used in the manufacturing of the vaccines. Therefore, it is important to research how the vaccines are made or how the antigens are grown prior to being vaccinated.
Whole bacteria and viruses may have been attenuated or weakened so that theoretically they will not cause the disease in healthy people or bacteria have been killed. Viruses are not naturally alive and require host cells to live and reproduce, so they may be added to the vaccine in its original form. Other vaccines contain pieces of the bacteria or virus, such as sugars or proteins which work like a puzzle piece to the immune system. Recently, vaccine developers have been experimenting with vaccines made with RNA sequencing. Finally, there is the recombinant DNA technology and the use of genetically modified organisms (GMO).
So active ingredients are measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, influenza, coronaviruses, tuberculosis, pneumococcal, meningococcal, and a myriad of other microorganisms, some deadly, others just an inconvenience. Think about the list of vaccines a child gets before the age of 18 years.
· Influenza
· DTaP
· Hepatitis B
· Rotavirus
· Hib
· Hepatitis A
· Varicella
· Meningococcal
· Soon COVID-19 (which has not been tested on animals or children, but is “presumed safe”)
The inactive ingredients, or excipients, include the following:
1) aluminum salts as an adjuvant
2) MF59 (squalene oil) as an adjuvant
3) Thiomersal or thimerosal as a preservative (50% mercury)
4) Gelatin as a stabilizer (usually pig)
5) Sorbitol
6) Sugar
7) Sucrose
8) Lactose
9) Mannitol
10) Glycerol
11) Medium 199
12) Arginine hydrochloride
13) Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
14) Urea
15) Polysorbate 20 & 80 as an emulsifier
Items that are used in the manufacturing of vaccines have an equally long list and include antibiotics (neomycin, streptomycin, polymyxin B, gentamicin, and kanamycin), egg proteins (ovalbumin), GMO yeast proteins, latex, formaldehyde, and glutaraldehyde. Potassium phosphate, sodium phosphate, disodium phosphate, succinic acid, sodium hydroxide, disodium adipate, hydrochloric acid, histidine, sodium borate (borax), and trometamol are used to regulate acidity.
These manufacturing and inactive ingredients are a hotbed of controversy both inside and outside of the medical community. Formalin, or formaldehyde, which is used in embalming and in the preservation of tissue samples, is a known cancer-causing agent in humans as well as animals. It is considered a poison to the gastrointestinal, respiratory, immune, and neurological systems, as well as a toxic substance to the liver. It is considered a POISON and is banned from vaccines in Europe but is present in vaccines given in the USA.
Glutaraldehyde causes birth defects in animals and is poisonous if eaten but isn’t if injected into people? This is a disinfectant cleaner which is listed as a transparent oily liquid with a pungent odor on the NIOSH website. It is used to disinfect surgical instruments, as an anti-microbial in water treatment systems, a preservative in cosmetics, disinfectant in animal housing, an embalming solution, and a slimicide in paper making. The same government website states that exposure can cause throat and lung irritation, asthma, difficulty breathing, dermatitis, nasal irritation, sneezing, wheezing, burning eyes, and conjunctivitis. It is a toxin as a cleaner but safe as an ingredient to vaccines. What? But that makes no sense!
Beta-Propiolactone is known to cause cancer and is believed to act as a toxin to the gastrointestinal, nervous, respiratory, and integumentary systems as well as being a systemic poison. The EPA, the CDC, and the National Library of Medicine all list this chemical as acutely toxic, an irritant, and a health hazard used to manufacture acrylic acid and esters and previously was a medical disinfectant. Contact with the skin causes burning and blistering. If ingested burns occur in the mouth and GI system, as well as muscle spasms, respiratory difficulty, and seizures. Exposure to the vapors causes severe irritation to the eyes, nose, lungs, and throat. It can cause permanent corneal opacification. When given IV to rats it caused liver and kidney damage. It is listed as a human carcinogen (NCI05). This is found in vaccines!?
People have mild to severe allergies to Latex, peanuts, soybeans, dairy, eggs, and antibiotics, but these ingredients are not mentioned by providers as a contradiction to the vaccines. With a person who is severely allergic to an ingredient, anaphylaxis or death can occur.
Thimerosal or mercury is one of the most toxic substances known. If a mercury thermometer breaks in a medical clinic, the entire building is evacuated, and HAZMAT is called. Even exceedingly small amounts cause damage to the liver, brain, gastrointestinal system, bone marrow, nervous system, and kidneys. Exposure is linked to autoimmune and neurological disorders.
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) frequently is a problem for people when eaten. When it is injected it is linked to birth defects, developmental delays, and infertility. An average dose in food is 0.3-1.0g each day and is found to cause a disruption in neurons and behavioral changes. Liver transaminases decreased signifying liver damage. Gastric bloating can occur with ingestion with increases in the concentrations of amino acids such as leurine, isoleucine, valine, lysine, cysteine, alanine, tyrosin, and tryptophan. MSG given to neonates leads to the development of obesity later in life by interfering with the leptin-mediated hypothalamus and causing insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. It triggers mRNA expression of the interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor-necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a), resistin, and leptin in adipose tissue. Obesity is one of the leading issues in the US right now. Do you see a correlation? People who have consumed MSG and have a sensitivity complain of burning sensation at the back of the neck, mouth, and head, blistering, general weakness, fatigue, heart palpitations, flushing, nausea, vomiting, hives, rash, dizziness, syncope, facial pressure, muscle pain, changes in mechanical sensitivity, headache, tender pericranial muscles, and an increased blood pressure. Oxidative stress, swelling of the GI tract, DNA damage, protein modifications, and lysis of stromal cells are also seen with this chemical compound. Humans are 20 times more sensitive to MSG than monkeys and 5 times more than rats. In a study done in 1957, MSG destroyed the retinal tissue causing permanent blindness. In another study, the researcher found it not only destroyed the retinal tissue, but also parts of the brain by causing the neurons to become excitotoxic and die. Exposure is cumulative and it remains a hidden ingredient in the USA. MSG is banned in Europe but is readily found in foods, medications, and vaccines in the USA.
Neomycin sulfate, besides being potential an allergen, interferes with the uptake of B6 which can cause epilepsy and brain damage. According to the FDA, neomycin sulfate should be used with caution in children under 18 years. This antibiotic is a broad-spectrum aminoglycoside antibiotic made from Streptomyces fradiae. The Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) states it may cause an allergic skin reaction, allergy, or asthma symptoms, breathing difficulties. People are advised to wear protective gloves when encountering the drug. The same sheet states, “Do not take internally.” Aren’t vaccines given internally?
Phenol/Phenoxyethanol [2-PE] is toxic to all cells and destroys the immune system. It is widely considered a preservative. The MSDS warns to avoid skin contact and to wear protective clothing. This is what is also found in brake fluid, hydraulic fluid, and industrial antifreeze. It is often found in cosmetics. It is a solvent and kills gram negative and positive bacteria, yeasts, and molds. It is also a food additive in the US but is banned in Europe. It was found to be an oral and skin toxin, and an eye irritant. When injected by a shot, it caused necrotic skin lesion, intense erythema and swelling with as small as a 1% solution. With repeated exposure, splenic microscopic changes occurred including congestion and erythron-phagocytosis. The kidneys and stomach also suffered from cellular changes. Pulmonary emboli also occurred. The harmful effects of this substance on both humans and animals went on for 102 pages. But it is an ingredient of vaccines.
Tri(n) Butylphosphate is an industrial chemical which is used as a plasticizer in hydraulic fluid, as well as a solvent and extractant for metal ions and a heat exchange agent. The MSDS on the National Library of Medicine and the CDC’s NIOCH, list it as an irritant and a health hazard. It is described as “toxic by ingestion or inhalation.” It is an ester of phosphoric acid. Even the MSDS determined it is toxic to the eyes, nose, throat, skin, kidneys, liver, and nervous system and causes contact irritation, respiratory issues, headaches, cough, sore throat, pain, erythema, and nausea. It causes infertility. Under 13.1.11 Acute Effects, when injected it was found to cause systemic harm. It too is found in vaccines.
Polysorbate 20 & 80 is linked to numerous autoimmune disorders, infertility, such as premature ovarian failure such as in the HPV vaccine and is a known cancer-causing substance in animals. This substance is used to open the blood-brain barrier in chemotherapy for brain cancer or other drugs which need to reach the brain. This chemical compound also has a MSDS sheet. It is flammable and PPE, including chemical resistant gloves, are recommended when working with it. Exposure is to be limited and washing after contact is recommended. But why is this needed for vaccines? Is it important for a virus or a bacterium to cross the blood-brain barrier for immunity to develop? The answer is NO!
Aluminum, or aluminum sulfate, is linked to Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, seizures, autoimmune issues, SIDS, and cancer. This accumulates in the brain and causes more damage with each subsequent dose. It is used to slow the release of the antigen in the vaccine. This compound also has a long MSDS sheet which warns of it being hazardous to human health, agroecosystems, and the environment. Aluminum sulfate and water becomes sulfuric acid. What is the largest component of the human body? WATER. In Europe, it is considered an endocrine disruptor. It is corrosive to the eyes, causes rashes and burning, and if inhaled causes throat and lung irritations. Sub-chronic exposure brings about behavioral deficits, decreased hemoglobulin and hematocrit. Other effects of exposure are neurobehavioral changes, hindrance of embryonic development and morphogenetic differentiation (structural changes), increased dysmorphogensis (formation of abnormal tissue), neurotoxicity, and deviations in chromosomes.
GMO yeast, bacterial and viral DNA can lead to genetic mutations. A further discussion on this is found below.
Many different mediums are needed to grow the active ingredients. These mediums are human cell strains (W1-38, MRC-5, HEK293) and animal cell strains from monkey, bat, pork, cow, mouse, canine, chicken, rat, guinea pig, hamster, worms, insects, rabbits, sheep, and horse. Other growing mediums include cultures containing protein, vitamins, and salts. These are often referred to as Medium 199, Eagle Medium, and Minimum Essential Medium.
Bovine, or cow or calf, serum is the albumin from the blood of the animal which means there are trace amounts are present which can cause severe allergic reactions in those allergic to beef. Some studies found a link to childhood leukemia and diabetes from exposure to injected animal DNA. The porcine circovirus type 1 (PCV-1) is found in the Rotarix rotavirus vaccine since the beginning. The ACAM2000 smallpox vaccine which was grown in African Green Monkey kidney (vero) cells contains a warning on the insert that it can cause:
“Myocarditis and pericarditis (suspect cases observed at a rate of 5.7 per 1000 primary
vaccines (95% CI: 1.9-13.3)), encephalitis, encephalomyelitis, encephalopathy, progressive
vaccinia, generalized vaccinia, severe vaccinial skin infections, erythema multiforme
major (including STEVENS-JOHNSON SYNDROME), eczema vaccinatum resulting in
permanent sequelae or death, ocular complications, blindness and fetal death, have
occurred following either primary vaccination or revaccination with live vaccinia virus
smallpox vaccines. These risks are increased in certain individuals and may result in
severe disability, permanent neurological sequelae and/or death [see Warnings and
Precautions (5)].”
Trace DNA from all cell mediums are found in all vaccines. Here is a list of the some of the vaccines that contain animal DNA:
1) Chicken: numerous but examples are influenza, MMR, rabies, yellow fever
2) Pig: shingles (Zostavax – called hydrolyzed porcine gelatin), rotavirus (Rotarix, Rota Teq – called PCV-1)
3) Bovine: adenovirus, MMR, rotavirus, varicella (chickenpox)
4) Canine: flucelvax made by Novartis
5) Monkey: polio (IPOL – also was found to have the Simian Virus 40 (SV-40) which causes cancer in monkeys), DTaP-IPV (Kinrix), DTaP-HepB-IPV (Pediarix)
6) Mouse: polio, coronavirus, Japanese encephalitis (JE), rabies, IMB, ADEM
7) Bat: coronavirus
8) Worm: Flucelvax (worm ovary cells from the armyworm spodoptera frugiperda), Flublok.
9) Insect: influenza (from caterpillar eggs using the baculovirus)
10) Shark: Flaud and many others (called squalene and MF59; comes from shark liver) and may be linked to Gulf War Syndrome
11) Sheep
12) Rabbit
13) Horse
Also, there are latent, retroviruses or nonactive viruses, found in the cell lines. For example, the XMRV and other murine leukemia viruses from mice and the novel rhabdoviruses in Spodoptera frugiperda cell lines. The Flublok package insert states that it may contain other viruses like the baculovirus. These latent viruses may remain inactive for the life of the vaccine recipient or they may become active and cause diseases as is the case with XMRV which is linked to chronic fatigue syndrome, autism, cancers, and more. The SV-40 virus has been linked to cancer and immune issues.
Fetal tissue is used to produce many vaccines including the adenovirus, hepatitis, chickenpox, Ebola, polio, rabies, rubella, and shingles vaccines. The fetuses were electively aborted in the 1960s and the package label insert labels this as MRC-5 and WI-38. There is a new fetal cell line being used for the coronavirus vaccines being trialed. Frequently these cell lines are referred to as immortalized cell lines. Tumors are also used as a source of cell lines for vaccine development.
GMOs are also used in vaccines. The influenza, chickenpox, rubella, hepatitis A, polio (Pentacel & Quadracel), and rabies, and ALL other RNA and DNA vaccines use genetically modified organisms.
Recombinant DNA technology use bacteria and/or yeast cells to make a vaccination. The manufacturer takes a small piece of DNA from the virus or bacteria from which an antigen is desired. This DNA is inserted into another cell so the cell will make large quantities of the antigen needed for the vaccinations. An example is the Hepatitis B vaccine where a section of the Hepatitis B virus is inserted into the DNA of yeast cells. The yeast cells begin to produce one of the surface proteins of the Hepatitis B virus. This is then purified as the active ingredient in the Hepatitis B vaccine. The MenB, chickenpox, rubella, hepatitis A, rabies, shingles, polio (Pentacel and Quadracel), and 6-in-1 vaccines are made using a similar technique using human embryo cells.
These genetically engineered plasmids containing the DNA sequences encoding antigens (AKA gene therapy) have edited, deleted, or altered the genes and will permanently change the DNA of the recipient (New York Times, 2015). “The use of synthetic genes to “protect against disease while changing the genetic makeup of humans…by delivering the synthetic genes into the muscles of the [experimental] monkeys, the scientists are essentially re-engineering the animals to resist disease.” This is called I.G.T. or immunoprophylaxis by gene transfer and it was pioneering in 2015. This is what the new COVID-19 and many of the over 200 proposed new vaccines entail.
Here's how DNA vaccines work:
The altered genes are positioned in the viruses that are injected into the human muscles. The virus invades the human cells with their altered DNA and the causes the person’s body to incorporate the virus and the genes into their own DNA. Nothing can change the altered DNA and the person will have to live with the consequences of the changes for the rest of their life. The way a person’s body reacts is NOT guaranteed.
A table listing vaccine excipients and media by excipient can be found in: Grabenstein JD. ImmunoFacts: Vaccines and Immunologic Drugs – 2013 (38th revision). St Louis, MO: Wolters Kluwer Health, 2012.
Always ask to read the inserts for the vaccinations. Ask your provider what the abbreviations for the ingredients mean. As with every medical treatment, medication, or vaccination, research before accepting it so you can make a truly informed decision. Make the decision for yourself and do not just accept the handout given to you as all the information needed to make you decision.