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"Soylent Green": What Are We Really Putting into Our Bodies?

Writer's picture: educatetechsystemseducatetechsystems


Until today I had no desire to watch or read, Make Room! Make Room!, a book by Harry Harrison, published in 1966. In 1973, Hollywood later made the book into a movie, Soylent Green. The story is a fantasy horror film where the world is controlled by big corporations, begins with an investigation into a murder of a businessman, a dying world, poverty, overpopulation, euthanasia, and depleted resources. The year the movie is set, is 2022.

One-half of the world's main food supply is supplied by the Soylent Corporation, called Soylent Red, Soylent Yellow, and finally Soylent Green. The green version is supposed to be the most nutritious

version of their products. They advertise the ingredients are plankton, and then relate that plankton is in short supply causing riots. The protesting people are forcefully removed from the streets using hydraulic shovels.

The police officer, Thorn, assigned to the murder visits a priest (later murdered) to whom the murder victim saw just prior to his murder. The priest relates that the victim's confession is private but dropped clues which lead Thorn on a hair-raising investigation that stumbles upon horrifying secrets. Soylent Green was made from the corpses of the dead and the prisoners in the waste disposal plants outside the city. The murders were ordered by the Soylent Corp board members.

In the end, Thorn witnesses the process of cannibalizing the city's residents firsthand. He escapes and seeks refuge in a church where he is ultimately shot. The story ends with him shouting, "Soylent Green is people!"

The critics gave the movie mixed reviews. Some referred to it as a "metaphor" of capitalist madness and self-destruction. Other films have been released using a similar storyline. Cloud Atlas (2012) portrays a dying society where people eat human corpses. The book, Tender is the Flesh, released in 2020, is a book on farming humans for meat. So why the discussion of such morbid "science fiction" on a health blog? Because it is NOT science fiction.

While researching the use of fetal cells in vaccines, I stumbled upon another blogger who wrote about the cannibalism of humans in our modern food supply. I immediately thought, "This must be a satire site like Babylon Bee." Boy was wrong! So, sit down and have a bucket to throw up in ready.

Big corporations are using aborted fetal cells as "natural flavoring" in our food supplies. Companies using Senomyx biotech artificial flavor enhancers are using fetal cell lines for human food: Kraft, Cadbury Adams, PepsiCo, Starbucks, Frito-Lay, Quaker, Gatorade, Lipton, Nestle, Wonka, Coca-Cola, Solae, Campbell Foods, Tazo, Nabisco, Tropicana, Monsanto, and Neocutis products.

The National Institute of Health (NIH) defines human fetal tissue as

“tissue or cells obtained from human embryo or fetus after a spontaneous or induced abortion, or after a stillbirth. An embryo is defined as the product of conception (sperm and egg) from implantation until the eighth week of pregnancy, then the product of conception is called a fetus from the ninth week of pregnancy until birth” (PHSA Section 498A(g)).

Senomyx is located in San Diego, CA, and boasts of using the latest state-of-the-art genetic engineering biotechnology. The techniques used are remarkably similar to the pharmaceutical companies, with the majority of its executives coming from Pfizer, Novartis, and Merck. The advisory board has neurobiologists, neuropharmacologists, and chemists. How does the 1738 quote from a French automaton maker go again? "If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's a duck!"

Most aren't surprised to hear big Pharma uses fetal cells in their products. The US NIH has been purchasing aborted babies for decades and using them for research. Pay particular attention to which ones: Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Novartis. AstraZeneca, Novo Nordisk, Bayer AG, Regeneron, Gilead, Amgen, Lilly, GlaxoSmithKline, Bristol-Meyers Squibb, Sanofi, AbbVie, and Roche. I am sure there are more, but

this is what I found in less than an hour of web searching.

These companies twist and manipulate the truth by saying, "There are no baby parts" in the products but fail to mention that unborn babies were used in the development of the products. For instance, the Astra-Zeneca COVID-19 vaccine (AZD1222) may not contain fetal cells in the finished product, but they used the MRC-5 and HEK 293 cell lines from aborted babies to create the adenovirus used in the vaccine. The COVID Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson also are guilty of using fetal cell lines. Rendisivir (EUA letter to FDA) and mononuclear antibodies also use fetal cell lines in their production, and even the MSM admits to this (NBC News). Were you told this by your medical provider pushing the vaccine? The pharmacy?

Also note that when you use EUA products, vaccines, procedures, treatments, or medications, your personal health information may be shared with third-party vendors (Gilead EU Date Disclosure statement). For Gilead this means your personal health information is being shared with IQVIA in France, Stickyeyes in the UK, Veeva Systems Europe in Spain, and Marketo EMEA Ltd. in Ireland. Did you agree to that when you agreed to the COVID-19 vaccine? Mononuclear antibodies? Remdisiver?

According to the Congressional Research Service (CRS) report, fetal tissue has been used for decades. In the 1960s, two cell lines, WI-38 and MRC-5, were created and used in Hepatitis A, Rubella, Varicella, and Zoster vaccines. Their justification was that the human cells were better for cultivating viruses than animal cells. Research branched out using the fetal cell lines into aging and drug toxicity studies, HIV, dengue virus, Zika, Hepatitis B & C, Ebola virus, and tuberculosis. Because mice and humans have different DNA, studies would not be very accurate using normal mice. Thus, mice have been “humanized” to grow grafts to grow human tissue and simulate the human immune system. Fetal bone marrow, liver, and thymus cells are injected into mice to create the “human immune system” (CRS, pg. 4).

The use of fetal tissue for scientific research is old. In the late 1920s, researchers all over the world, including the USA, used fetal livers, thymus, and pancreas tissue” as grafts in an attempt to cure people with neurological disorders, spinal cord injuries, diabetes, immune disorders, cancer, and blood diseases (CRS, pg. 5). In 1987 at Lund University, fetal brain tissue was transplanted into Parkinsonian patients (pg. 5). This continued throughout the 1990s. The NIH was the largest funder of fetal tissue therapy for Parkinson’s Disease (pg. 5-6). There is a European Union trial called TRANSEURO, currently scheduled to end in 2021, where patients are being grafted with fetal brain tissue.

Additional research studies using fetal stem cells called progenitor cells continue to be funded by the NIH. Progenitor cells are a type of fetal cell that can become anything with the correct stimulation. Research using these cells focuses on age-related macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), spinal cord injuries, and strokes (CRS, pg. 6).

The way the NIH gets around the laws against using aborted fetal tissues is to classify the research as new therapies that meet specific criteria (CRS, pg. 6).

The fetal tissue is collected by third-party facilities, such as biotech companies, universities, and medical centers. The vast majority of fetal tissue comes from elective or induce abortions, although the statute PHSA Section 498A(g) also allows for using fetal tissue from miscarriages (spontaneous abortions) or stillbirths (CRS, pg. 6-7). Sixty-two percent comes from biotech companies (think the vendor brokering Planned Parenthood’s aborted babies); 31% from academic medical centers, and 30% from medical clinics (planned parenthood not included) (pg. 7). Here is a partial list of places providing fetal tissue for experimentation:

1. University of Washington

2. University of Maryland

3. University of Miami

4. Children’s Hospital of Orange County

5. Advanced Bioscience Resources, Inc.

6. Albert Einstein College of Medicine Human Tissue Repository

7. StemExpress

8. Advanced Bioscience Resources, Inc.

Human development studies are also using fetal tissue to analyze brain and eye development, diseases like Type 1 Diabetes which occur early in human development (CRS pg. 3). Nature examined the FY2014 NIH funding areas and found the following projects involving human fetal tissue research (pg. 3):

· HIV/AIDS 39%

· Developmental biology 18%

· Eye development & disease 14%

· Infectious disease such as Hepatitis C 13%

· Miscellaneous conditions (i.e. diabetes) 8%

· In utero diseases, toxic exposures, congenital conditions 7%

· Fetal tissue repository 1%

In 2018, the NIH funded 200 research studies using fetal tissue to the tune of $115 million (CRS, pg. 3). This is NOT government money, but the US taxpayer's money. Government has no money of its own. It all comes from US citizens. In 2020, out of the $42 billion NIH budget, 5.7% was spent on COVID-19 research, all involving fetal cells (John Hopkins University). That amounts to $1,764,000,000 of tax-payer money for using fetal cells to study ONLY COVID19. Add in all the other mRNA vaccines coming, infectious diseases, pharmaceuticals, foods, cosmetics, etc. and that is a huge amount of money.

The NIH Revitalization Act of 1993 states it is “unlawful for any person to knowingly acquire, receive, or otherwise transfer any human fetal tissue for valuable consideration if the transfer affects interstate commerce” (CRS, pg. 8). This provision makes it illegal to sell the fetal tissue, but the NIH gets around it by claiming that the money exchanging hands is not payment for the baby tissue but rather for “transportation, implantation, processing, preservation, quality control, and storage: (pg. 7). StemExpress and Advanced Bioscience Resources pay less than $100 per specimen to the providers then turn around and sell them to researchers for much higher rates, calling them “processing fees” (pg. 7).

There are additional laws that require informed consent when procedures involve the use of fetal cells (PHSA Section 498A). Let me ask you, were you told that your food, medications, vaccines, etc. contained fetal cells? Because I sure wasn’t. This means that informed consent was NOT provided.

Let me also add that these fetal cell lines are eternal. They do not die, and the CRS admits this when they wrote, “No additional fetal tissue has been added to these cell lines since they were first created (pg. 2). Cells then do not die are called cancer. Cancer is on the rise in all age groups, and the types are more aggressive and less likely to respond to therapeutics. The same therapeutics are developed using fetal cell lines and chimeric biologics. Are you getting the picture now?


Congressional Research Service (August 2019).

IMDB Soylent Green movie

IMDB Cloud Atlas

John Hopkins University. (August 2021). NIH funding of COVID research in 2020: A preliminary report. Retrieved October 12, 2021, from

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