All I have to say is this: If the mask-less people are not testing positive, then where are all the supposed C19 cases coming from? Hmmm?????
Masking was not a divisive issue until the government decided to mandate all wear one. When the individual choice was removed, without solid science, and research that contradicts the narrative is not published &/or is removed from the archives, masking is no longer scientific, but political in nature. The data being used for the mask-for-all policies & articles are riddled with research and statistical flaws, bias, and other issues that would have resulted in the article not even being considered for publication prior to the c19 outbreak. A Danish study found it difficult to get to publication because the results did not fit the current political narrative. The reality is that because there is NO science that definitively proves masking is effective without causing harm, the decision to mask should be an individual’s.
In public health, there is a principle known as The Principle of Effectiveness. Since masking has not been proven effective, it should NOT be mandated as such. In doing so, the rights each person has over their own body and their personal dignity has been violated.
A study from Denmark found that masking does not protect from C19 and very few people wear masks there. The mortality rate is exceptionally low. This particular study group was EXCEPTIONALLY large (6,000 healthy participants) with 4,860 people finishing the study. This means that the population and control groups are sufficient to make a reliable conclusion. In the masking group, 1.8% of the participants contracted C19. In the non-mask group, 2.1% tested positive. Even the WHO agrees that there is little evidence that wearing a mask protects healthy people from the virus. Additionally, it is important to note that C19 accounts for <1/3 of the number of deaths in Denmark compared to pneumonia and influenza.
Although the study population was small, this study, done in South Korea (later removed because it doesn’t fit the pollical narrative) found that it didn’t matter if the person was wearing a mask or not, nor the type of mask. The viral load that ended up in the petri dish was the same from the unmasked, the fabric mask, and the disposable hospital-grade mask.
The article in the link below found that 3:10 people who do not mask had viral loads in respiratory droplets and 4:10 people who mask had viral loads in their respiratory droplets. The study said that surgical masks “may” decrease the spread of the Chinese virus, but the results for N95 are mixed and the clothe are worthless.
In August there were 34 states that mandated masking despite the questionable efficacy of the practice. A study in Kansas found that masking does cause an increase in C19 infection. Kansas has 15 counties that require masking and 90 counties that do not. The data shows that the infection rates were higher in the counties with mandatory masking. In this case, the case Public Health Official took the stats and created a graph that misrepresented the findings to show that masking decreased infection rates. How many more states have Public Health Officials done the same thing? One would imagine a large percentage.
Masks are creating an increase in crime.
The article referenced below was retracted because the conclusions in it were flawed…How many more of these are there out there? I would say the vast majority.
When looking at the death rates posted by the CDC as well as many states, the deaths for influenza, pneumonia and other URIs is down or zero while the number of deaths is < previous years. This is also true for all other serious to terminal diseases. Statistically, this is impossible.
Let’s look at the CDC stats on causes of death from 2017 (published in 2019). The leading causes of death in the USA, accounting for 74% of the deaths are as follows: 1) heart disease, 2) cancer, 3) accidents, 4) chronic lower respiratory diseases, 5) stroke, 6) Alzheimer disease, 7) influenza and pneumonia, 8) diabetes, 9) kidney disease & 10) suicide. The age distribution for chronic disease mortality is higher the older one gets. Suicide and accidents are higher in the younger population. The grand total was 2,179,857 deaths in 2017. (
Now, look at how many deaths in the USA we have had since C19 appeared. Influenza and pneumonia are almost non-existent. Suddenly, the flu and pneumonia no longer is killing people. The health departments are touting the increase in masking to the decrease in pneumonia and influenza in one breath and in the next stating C19 is up because people are not masking.
The reality is the difference between the reported C19 deaths, and missing influenza & pneumonia mortalities is a more accurate account of the C19 deaths. Also, anyone with co-morbidities that usually result in death, should not be counted as C19 deaths. They may have tested positive for a coronavirus, but that does not mean they died from C19, but rather they died with C19. There is a big difference in the way it should be recorded.
You do the math.
In the USA, a person dies every 11.14 seconds. There are 2.831 million deaths each year which means 7,755 deaths a day. This year we have had almost 600k deaths from heart disease and 500k from cancer. Another approximate 150k from strokes, 150k from CLRD, 140k from Alzheimer’s, and 100k from diabetes. Has the government mandated the closure of fast-food restaurants, soda, cigarettes, alcohol, candy bars, all processed foods, chemical additives, and GMOs, etc.? No, it has not. Ever wonder why? After all, that is about 1.64 million deaths from preventable disease caused primarily by an unhealthy lifestyle. Shouldn’t the government be mandating healthy eating, exercise, smoking cessation, and other healthy lifestyle behaviors instead of masking?
Consequently, C19 accounts for only 1.5% of all the deaths in the USA (even with the flawed ICD-10 recording). Again, the numbers are not any different than any other year. In fact, today, 12/16/2020, as of 1829, there have only been 5,976 deaths, during a “pandemic” that is supposedly killing more people than ever before. Remember the average number of deaths in the USA is more than 7900 each day. The flawed stats are being used to shut down entire states and interfere with people accessing the resources they need.
Suicide rates are up as much as 30% over previous years. So this decreases the stats on C19 mortality rates as well.
According to the Statista website, in 2020 the average deaths per day are 7,969.7 from all causes.
In 2019 there were 39-56 million flu cases resulting in 18-26 million medical visits and 410-740k hospitalizations with 62,000 deaths ( There is a disclaimer at the bottom of the CDC page that states “Because influenza surveillance does not capture all cases of flu that occur in the U.S., CDC provides these estimated ranges to better reflect the larger burden of influenza. These estimates are calculated based on CDC’s weekly influenza surveillance data and are preliminary.”
Statista has flu mortality rates from 2010 to 2019 ( Apparently, influenza is not really happening this “flu season” ( 30 positive tests in one week out of 12093 tested. In previous years there was an average of 269,231 people who had the flu every week (dividing throughout the entire year) or 38,462 every day.
Do we see these numbers with C19? NOPE!
Are we seeing similar flu numbers this year? NOPE!
So where are all the flu cases? Maybe they are being miscoded are C19. There are financial incentives to do this. Money often breeds corruption.
Death rates are continuously falling in C19 cases. This is due to proper medical treatment. Prior to this, the medical establishment, for various reasons that I am not going to go into here, was mistreating the patients leading directly to their death. So, one could argue, was C19 the cause of death, or was it medical errors?
Let’s talk about lockdown and mask effects on the population in general.
The CDC admits that suicides and drug overdose rates are higher than C19 in the youth, yet the youth are being prevented from social interaction, normal childhood development, and stimuli, and forced to mask ( supposedly for their safety. In Yakima County, WA the suicide rates increased by 30% in 2020. This phenomenon is being seen across the United States.
As of July 2020, more than 40 million people lost their jobs and millions more saw a reduction in weekly hours.
Businesses have permanently closed their doors. Bankruptcies are on the rise. Small businesses which are the backbone of the US economy have taken the brunt of the loss. Large corporations are allowed to remain open while small businesses are forced to remain closed or stay open at a significant financial loss. The U.S. Small Business Administration relates that companies with less than 500 employees makeup 44% of the US economy and employ 50% of the workers.
As of August 2020, more than 80k small businesses have permanently closed. The numbers are higher now, especially in states that have been in mandatory lockdowns since March.
In King County alone, 1023 restaurants and bars have closed forever, accounting for 43% of the businesses closed in Washington state (total of 2369). This is just the food industry. How many small shops, boutiques, and other mom and pop establishments have closed? Currently, it is near impossible to get an accurate number.