Written as an answer to the what and why of COVID-19.
Viruses are not alive until they enter a cell in the body. Once inside the cell they fool the cell into replicating the virus. When people talk about a virus living on a surface, they are really saying that cellular debris is still present on the surface. Sunlight or moderate heat destroys this cellular debris, a "virus". Coronaviruses are most likely exosomes. (Here's a great research article on that https://www.mdpi.com/…/viru…/special_issues/viruses_exosomes)
Virus only stay "alive" as long as the host (the body) stays alive. Listen to Dr. Judy Mikovits PhD on bitchute.com or read her books, Plague or Plague the Corruption, as she discusses this concept in depth. In order to do this, the cellular debris takes over the host cells or commanders the availability of intraluminal vesicles (exosomes).
Human Coronaviruses are common cold viruses. They've been around forever.
The Chinese released a paper shortly after this "pandemic" started, providing the genome of COVID19. What you should note is that it is NOT a naturally occurring virus as previously reported by the MSM, WHO, CDC, China, and the MSM. COVID-19 has been created in a labratory, splicing a bat coronavirus (not native to Wuhan), H1N1, & a strand of HIV: SARS, MERS, and HIV in one virus in a process called chimera.
This creating of chimera viruses is illegal in the USA so the unnatural viral experiments were moved to china. Fauci had a hand in this as did Obama. The research stated in 2003 with the application of the first patent by the Pirbright Foundation (heavily invested in by Gates).
So the virus exists but is it the virus that is causing the deaths?...No & here's why.
People are being successfully treated using Z-Pack. Z-Pak is classified as an antibiotic and antibiotics are for bacterial infections, not viral infections. This means that the pneumonia is bacterial in orgin. The other medication being used to sucessfully treat COVID-19 is hydroxychloroquine. Hydroxychloroquine is an antimalarial medication used to treat Malaria, high blood pressure, and autoimmune conditions. Malaria is caused by a parasite, not a virus. It is also an immunosuppressant for Sjogren’s Syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis & lupus. This means that the "virus" is turning on the immune system and causing an army of fighter cells to be released. These T-cells, also called cytokines, which causes a cytokine storm. The hydroxychloroquine blocks the T-cells so people don't become too sick. Cytokine storms are common with foreign tissues like organ transplants. That is why there is thought that COVID19 is an Exosome which is RNA based & could trigger a cytokine storm. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00281-017-0640-2
ne fact that hydroxychloroquine is effective on this means that
So now we're to the ventilators. Ventilators are only supposed to be used as a last resort on patients when they no longer can breathe on their own (this means they're incoherent & can't talk). People were coming in talking & making sense but because their Oxygen levels were so low the docs forced them into comas & intubated them.
Here's what should have happened. The patient comes in. An oxygen saturation & vitals signs down. If O2 less than 95% O2 by nasal cannula at 2 liters per minute. If the oxygen levels did not increase then it should be turned up by 2L until the patient responds (called titration). If O2 levels remain lower than say 90% then the patient is put in a nonrebreather mask on 100% O2. If this doesn't work then the patient is put on BIPAP and the pressures titrated from lowest to highest....next step up is CPAP. Again the pressure levels are titrated from lowest to highest. These are all non invasive methods of giving patients O2. Any patient that is talking should be on one of these. If the patient is losing consciousness or isn't able to take breathes on their own, this is when a ventilator is used. The pressure settings are set at the lowest possible setting so as to not damage the lung tissue which is very fragile.
What happened was ventilators were the first choice & the pressure settings (called PEEP) were set at the highest. The ventilators destroyed the the alveoli so they no longer could move o2 from the air sacs to the RBCs to be used in by the body...
There is some thought that the COVID19 structure overrides or highjacks the Hem (the iron part of the RBCs) which is where the 02 rides.
THE DIC which people are saying is a side effect of c19 is a partial truth. DIC or Disseminated intravascular coagulation is a condition where the body's clotting process goes haywire. This happens in stressful situations like hemorrhaging (have seen it many times in high risk deliveries of babies) liver failure or fatty liver patients, moms with eclampsia, and septic shock. It is also seen in situations where there is a cytokine storm (bad infection of any kind, autoimmune response, reaction to organ transplants...).
So COVID19 is a structure of which will probably be debated for years and we may never know the truth. However, the body with a severely weakened immune system cannot send the normal army of cells (lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils). It overreacts and sets off a nuclear bomb (the T cell cytokines). This causes the body in severely weakened bodies to have other conditions such as a bacterial pneumonia or DIC. The patient dies from the secondary infection or from a blood clot from DIC.
If one boosts their immune system with Vit D, zinc, Vit C etc. healthy foods, plenty of rest, exercise, breathing oxygen not CO2 (stresses the body & causes pH changes which decrease immune system) the body won't send the nukes first. It will send an police officer to arrest it (macrophage eats it) & then remembers what shape it consumed & the body makes antibodies in that shape to consume any other invaders with similar shapes. This is why people can get chicken pox & not get it again. However, the elderly may get shingles (same virus) because their immune system is sending out the marines instead of the police officers because it's too stressed to make that particular antibody anymore.
If infected and properly treated with hydrocholorquine, Z-Pak, certain heart meds, hyperbaric chambers, high dose vit C) the body doesn't have to use the nuke (cells).
I hope this helps.